Blogging about health & fitness

Proper Nutrition, 100% Of The Equation

What is the single most important part of your health and fitness? Hint… It is something you do every single day. It is your nutrition! Many “experts” or books will say that it is 50%, 75% of the total equation for a solid fitness foundation. However, these numbers couldn’t be further from the truth. Here is why nutrition is 100% of your life.

The foods you have, in the end, effect everything you do. They effect whether you sleep well, whether you have the energy to exercise, how you feel and perform daily tasks and whether or not you have the energy to make it through an average day. If you do not fuel your body if the necessary macronutrients then your body just won’t function at the highest level. Not just your fitness suffers but your health, your job and just daily living. So what is proper nutrition? There are so many books, articles in magazines and internet sites out there all claiming to have the answers! So how do you sift through all the bad advice?

Here is the reality. EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT! So if you see that bikini diet or that want to look like Wolverine diet in that magazine, chances are it is not for you. You will waste your time and money on all these diets and it is also the number one reason why nearly 80% of the people who do them don’t get the results they are looking for. So what do you do and what do you need to see results and be successful?

You need a personalized or custom nutrition plan. Secondly, you don’t need to follow the “I eat healthy” motto. You can still have pizza, burgers and burritos if you want! The idea here is that as long as you are feeding your body relatively healthy foods most of the time and are eating the correct ratio of macronutrients then you will get results! Yep, it is true! Say hello to cheat meals and still see body fat and those extra pounds melt away! So what are these macronutrients and how do they factor in?

Macronutrients are broken down into 3 main categories proteins, carbohydrates and fats. The idea is to track the foods you eat and see the amounts of the macronutrients you are consuming. By doing this, you can fine tune your diet and start getting the results you want! Eating the correct amount of calories in the correct ratio of macronutrients will cause your body to burn fat, build muscle and melt away extra pounds. Want to learn how to do this?

So if you want to fine tune your diet and build lean muscle, pack on pounds of muscle, melt away fat and those extra pounds here is a software program that I specifically use myself.


Or contact me personally at <; to get help with your nutrition.

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